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Exploring Alberta’s Great Outdoors Responsibly

Alberta's breathtaking landscapes offer a diverse array of activities for outdoor enthusiasts, whether you're into hiking, cycling, camping, snowmobiling, or riding off-highway vehicles (OHVs). It's our collective responsibility, and a privilege, to protect and preserve these natural wonders for everyone to enjoy. Adhering to guidelines and regulations ensures that Alberta's wild spaces stay pristine and accessible for future generations.

Understanding Public Land Use Zones in Alberta

Public Land Use Zones (PLUZs) are essential management tools defined by Alberta Environment and Parks, aimed at balancing recreational use with environmental conservation. A PLUZ applies specific legislative controls, as authorized by the Public Land Administration Regulation (187-2011), to manage the mix of industrial, commercial, and recreational activities.

Key features of a PLUZ include:

  • Each PLUZ is tailored to the unique environmental and recreational needs of its designated land area.
  • PLUZs help manage Alberta’s vibrant lands, focusing on areas with high recreational use or sensitive resources.
  • They set conditions, including vehicle restrictions, to mitigate conflicts between different land uses and protect vulnerable ecosystems.
  • Notably, PLUZs are distinct from parks and protected areas, but they play a crucial role in conservation efforts.

Rules within PLUZs are clear:

  • Motorized vehicles must stay on designated roads or trails that fit their type and size, as indicated by trail designations.

Alberta’s forests, meadows, and waterways enrich our lives in countless ways. Should you witness any environmental harm, please report it to 1-800-642-3800 with detailed information about the incident.

For more insights into enjoying and preserving Alberta's great outdoors, visit the Alberta Public Land Use Zones page here.

By fostering a culture of respect and stewardship, we can ensure that Alberta’s stunning landscapes remain vibrant and welcoming for everyone. Whether you're an OHV enthusiast or a serene nature lover, understanding and respecting PLUZ guidelines is key to sustaining the beauty and legacy of our province's natural heritage.

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